About Pigeonhole Live

Whether it's a team meeting or a large scale conference, Pigeonhole Live helps you connect with your audience. Learn how our interactive tools are designed to meet your virtual, hybrid, and live meeting and event needs.

More information can be found: https://pigeonholelive.com/

The Integration

Pigeonhole Live can be embedded into Gevme at the following 2 levels:

  1. As a menu item under the LiveBar
  2. As a Block on a Page

[Pigeonhole]Settings Required

To get started, there are a few settings you will have to set on Pigeonhole before integrating Pigeonhole Live into your event page on Gevme.

On your Pigeonhole, go to More Settings> Attendees.

1. Under the Profile Information section, enable the setting Allow creating attendee profiles through embed and click Save.

2. Under the Registrant Profiles section, enable the setting Enable registrant profile for this event and click Save.

Then, go to Registrant Profile Settings by clicking on the drop-down next to the Add a registrant button and select Settings.

Enable the setting Allow adding new Registrant Profiles through embed and disable all other settings (as shown below). Click Save.

Note: This option is only available on the Enterprise (Events) plan. If you are not on the Enterprise (Events) plan you will need to manually upload the Registrants list to your Pigeonhole.

[Gevme] Integrating in the LiveBar (Option 1)

When you integrate Pigeonhole in the LiveBar, it may look as follows:

Create a Custom App

Edit the Page where you want to embed Pigeonhole. 

Click on the LiveBar item under Widgets:

Click on the Advanced tab, and select “Embed Iframe” under App(s): 

Go to Live Bar Menu, scroll to the bottom and you now will see "My New App" as an option.
You can customise the title, label & width under the LiveBar item’s option:

In the IframeSrc field, copy and paste the following URL:


You will then need to replace the following 2 words in the URL:



You can find the Event Passcode and Session ID on your Pigeonhole Live Workspace (as shown below).

Press Save when you’re done, and you should see Pigeonhole nicely in your LiveBar. 

[Gevme] Integrating as a Block in a Page (Option 2)

When editing the Page where you want to integrate Pigeonhole, add a new HTML block:

Copy and paste the following code in the HTML text area:

<iframe src="https://pigeonhole.at/EVENTPASSCODE-{{user.id}}/i/SESSIONID?disablebackbutton&phName={{user.firstname}}%20{{user.lastname}}&phCompany={{user.company}}" height="100%" width="100%" style="min-height: 560px;"></iframe>

You will then need to replace the following 2 words in the code:



You can find the Event Passcode and Session ID on your Pigeonhole Live Workspace (as shown below).

Press Save when you’re done, and you should see Pigeonhole nicely in your Page.